Positive Action (PA) is a school-based program that focuses on school-wide climate change for grades K-6 (140 15-minute lessons) and grades 7-8 (82 15-minute lessons). The program content is divided into six units. The first unit underlines the program philosophy and provides an introduction to the potential impacts of positive and negative actions/behaviors. The remaining units educate students on positive actions and behaviors for the physical, intellectual, social and emotional areas. Additionally, the program contains a school-wide climate development kit for each level, as well as a Counselor’s kit, both which help to reinforce the classroom lessons and coordinate a larger school-wide effort in the reinforcement of positive behaviors.
Logic Model
Eligible Program Activities/Expenses
Implementation - Training
Implementation - Data Collection
Data Tool
Fidelity Tools
Implementation - Program Implementation
Fidelity Verification
Communicating Impact
Data Report
Other Resources