What costs should I budget for STRENGTHENING FAMILIES PROGRAM FOR PARENTS AND YOUTH 10-14 (SFP 10-14)?

EPIS has prepared a list of Eligible Program Activities & Expenses

Sites funded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) should plan in advance to fulfill the fidelity and reporting requirements of their grant and to budget for these expenses accordingly:

  • Pennsylvania funded sites are expected to host the developer or designee for a Fidelity Verification visit by Year 2, Quarter 3 of funding.  The estimated cost is $800 plus travel expenses.

Pennsylvania funded sites are also expected to produce an outcomes report by the last quarter of the second year of funding.  Although the EPISCenter provides tools and support for completing the report, funding may be necessary to hire staff or an external evaluator to complete the report and to prepare other materials that communicate program impact locally.

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